Mastering Engineering Interviews: A Comprehensive Guide
If you're new here, my name is Tamon, a final-year engineering student at the University of Watero. Tech company interviews, especially from giants like Apple, often involve challenging technical questions. Today, my friend, a former Apple intern, and I will delve into some common questions, focusing on product design and mechanical engineering. Engineering Interviews Tips 1. How to Reduce a Cantilever Beam's Deflection? Glassdoor often features this question. To minimize deflection, consider altering length, force, Young's modulus, or the second moment of area. Length and height are crucial as they are cubed in the deflection equation. Changing materials or adjusting force can also impact deflection. 2. The Ball Overboard Scenario: Water Level Change When a ball is thrown overboard from a boat, and it sinks completely, the water level falls. This is deduced by comparing the volumes displaced before and after the ball is thrown, considering the density of water and the subm...